Havoc (V)

Initial Rank: S
Price: 1 million credit or 2 800 crystals (on sale 1 680) .
Requirements: Heroic 100.

Main Gun: .
Level 80:
Level 100: 420
Level 140: 593

Overdrive: Mischief Makers – summons 5 helicopters which fires for 11 seconds. Main guns continue to be active.
Invincible for 8 seconds during overdrive.
Level 80:
Level 100: 1 221
Level 140: 1648

Level 80:
Level 100: 2 264
Level 140: 2 520

Return Fire: After receiving damage, activates an additional cannon.
Missile Barrage: Every 30 seconds fires 11 rockets in all directions.
Turn the Tide: After receiving 400 damage,  fires rockets in all directions.
Missile Barrage (Rank SS): Every 25 seconds fires 11 rockets in all directions.

Not reviewed yet: From other persons reviews, Eagle and Wraith have more important values.

In action:
Level 146 Easy
Havoc 32 Beetle Legatus

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