Initial Rank: S
Price: 2 800 Crystals (1740 on sale)
Requirements: Beat level 120 on heroic.
Main Gun
3 straight, semi rapid streams of strong bullets, and a slower single stream of flaming cannon balls.
Level 80: ??
Level 100: 420
Level 140: 529
Ghost ship: Summons 2 blimps or something which both fire a lot of flaming cannon balls.
Invincible during overdrive: ???
Level 80: ??
Level 100: 1 221
Level 140: 1 648
Level 80:
Level 100: 2 264
Level 140: 2 888
Coat of Arms: Rage + 13 %
Black Flag: Every 15 seconds increases Rage by 40 %
Shiver me Timbers: After receiving 400 damage, increases Rage by 40 %, and fires 3 cannon barrages.
Coat of Arms (rank SS): Rage + 25 %
Black Flag: Every 15 seconds increases Rage by 50 %
Video in action:
Level 160 Badger
Avenger 80
Legatus S 100
Scarab SS 101
Level 140 Heroic
Avenger 50 A Scarab S Legatus S
Level 140 Digit Normal
Avenger 34 A Menace S Legatus S
Level 150 Easy
Avenger 50 A + Laserbite SS
Scarab S Legatus S
Level 149 Easy
Avenger 34 A Menace S Legatus S
Level 144 Easy
Avenger 32 Beetle Hazard
What is rage for this plane?